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Company News

  • Understanding of the Role of Contrast Media

    Contrast media are a group of chemical agents developed to aid in the characterization of pathology by improving the contrast resolution of an imaging modality. Specific contrast media have been developed for every structural imaging modality, and every conceivable route of administration. Contr...
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  • Learn More About the Angiography Injector

    This is an article to help you learn more about Angiography high pressure injector. First, angiography(Computed tomographic angiography,CTA) injector is also called DSA injector,especially in Chinese market. What is the difference between them? CTA is a less invasive procedure that is increasingl...
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  • How can LnkMed Keep Pace with Injector Market Trends? -LnkMed MRI Injector introduction

    Today we will focus on introducing our MRI contrast media injector. We know that contrast media injectors are used to inject contrast agents to enhance the blood and perfusion in tissues. But there is a problem, the injection process will cause the waste of contrast media. But there have been sev...
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  • Learn More about High Pressure Contrast Media Injector

    This article aims to update your knowledge about high pressure contrast media injector. First, what is contrast media  high pressure injector and what are they used for? Generally speaking, contrast media high pressure injector is used to inject contrast media or contras...
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  • What is Medical Imaging? LnkMed’s Efforts for the Development of Medical Imaging

    As a company related to the medical imaging industry, LnkMed feels it is necessary to let everyone know about it. This article briefly introduces the knowledge related to medical imaging and how LnkMed contributes to this industry through its own development. Medical imaging, also known as radiol...
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